Saturday 07 December 2024

NRI Reference laboratories


NRI enjoys extensive facilities along with 29 equipped laboratories including 18 reference lab and 11 research lab certified by ISO/IEC 17025:2005.

Considering the important role of reference laboratories of NRI are responsible for providing an orderly and functional and regarding to the process of its research implementation and effectiveness and development programs related to the reference laboratories following objectives in providing superior laboratory services in Power Industry according to the customer as its epigraph is placed.




  • Increased reliability of supply in the country and reduced to silence and its subsequent.
  • Assuring the accuracy and performance of standard equipment to be used in different sectors of power industry
  • Possibility of providing activities for domestic producers to increase the power equipment quality built into the equipment through the creation of competitive markets and in their target markets abroad with the aim of developing export
  • Avoid spending considerable foreign exchange for the standard tests on equipment made in the reference laboratories abroad
  • Prevent the import and installation of poor quality equipment in power network.
  • Currently, goods and equipment imported in different parts sometimes because of inadequate delivery instructions, leading to lack of quality goods and equipment with international standards to the country.